ESA title


23—27 JUNE 2025


Tutorials starting 22 June PM

From Observation to Climate Action and Sustainability for Earth

Call for peer-reviewed sessions
8 July—23 August
We invite you to submit ideas for peer-reviewed sessions that align with the symposium’s themes and sub-themes. We seek sessions that will stimulate competitive abstract submissions and attract a large number of attendees, while avoiding redundancy with sessions already proposed. All proposals will be reviewed by the LPS25 Programme Committee, with final decisions made by the LPS25 Programme Board
Call for Abstracts
14 October—3 December at 8 am CET
We invite you to submit abstracts for oral or poster presentations in response to the proposed sessions. All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee, with final decisions made by the session convenors.
Call for Abstracts
14 October—3 December at 8 am CET
Call for Sponsors - Preregistration
21 October—1 December
Preregister now to express your interest in sponsoring LPS and secure your slot. Early registrants will receive priority access and be the first to receive the official sponsorship brochure once available.
Preregister now
Call for hands-on training, tutorials and demonstrations
31 January – 10 March at 8 am CET 2025
We are excited to introduce a dedicated forum for hands-on training, tutorials and demonstrations, at LPS25. This is your opportunity to provide attendees with practical, engaging, and in-depth learning experiences. Hands-on training and tutorials will be held before the conference starts on Sunday, 22 June (afternoon) and on Monday, 23 June (morning), making them the perfect opening act for the main conference. Demonstrations will take place inside an area of the exhibition as part of the ESA booth during the entire week of the symposium.
Submit your proposal
Call for hands-on training, tutorials and demonstrations
31 January – 10 March at 8 am CET 2025
Call for Sponsors
Opening by the end of February 2025
The sponsorship brochure will be published in this section. Don't miss out on the new opportunities to sponsor LPS25 and be ready to secure your preferred sponsorship package!
Tutorial acceptance
By end of March 2025
Abstract acceptance
By end of March 2025
Programme online
By end of April 2025

Why attend?

A. Earth Science Frontiers

Prove how exploiting existing and new mission data strengthens our understanding and modelling capabilities of the various interconnected systems of our planet.

B. Climate Action and Sustainability Challenges

Demonstrate how Earth observation supports monitoring, mitigation and adaptation efforts to tackle environmental and societal challenges, thereby reducing the impacts of crises.

C. Earth Observation Missions

Showcase findings from ESA’s Earth Observation Science, Copernicus and Meteorological missions along with results from national programmes. Additionally, present new concepts for sensors, missions and data products.

D. Digital Innovation and Green Solutions

Explore the integration of digital technologies and tools to enable green solutions to revolutionise the market landscape. Illustrate innovations in ground operational frameworks and their impact on operational efficiency, interoperability, data management and operational services.

E. Partnerships with Industry for New Applications

Stress the importance of building on existing partnerships and nurturing new alliances to widen access to capital to boost commercialisation, and further encourage dialogue within the New Space ecosystem.

F. Global Cooperation and Policy Support

Highlight the impact and the adoption of space infrastructures and data in supporting European and international institutions, enabling policies and cooperation across diverse sectors encompassing energy, climate and sustainability.


Location and contacts

general enquires about logistics, payments, VISA, registration etc - the general email for an attendee
all enquiries about abstracts submissions, abstracts payments and confirmations.
dedicated to the scientific committee and contact point for questions about the sessions and programme.
all enquiries about sponsors and exhibition
all enquiries about the education activities

